Driving a New Product to Market
The Problem
Product delays of more than two years plagued this one-product company embarked on the task of developing a complete, multi-product line of mainframe access and network management solutions for large-scale e-businesses. The company had fallen more than two years behind schedule.
KnowledgePoint Marketing immediately created a cross-functional launch team to assemble and identify what was causing the product development delays. Market requirements and a product release plan had not been properly identified. As a result, it was difficult for engineering and support to determine how to set priorities for correcting problems identified during beta testing. The beta test program had not been fully defined, and not enough units were out in the field for engineering to have confidence that all the problems were being uncovered in real-use situations.
KnowledgePoint prepared new marketing documents so that product marketing and engineering could agree on the key requirements the products needed to meet before launch. |
KnowledgePoint defined and documented a beta program, and managed the tracking of test sites. |
KnowledgePoint then turned its attention to how the product line and each product would be positioned, how the suite would be packaged and distributed, and how the sales force would be trained. |
The processes and methodologies that KnowledgePoint established enabled the company to ship its complete new product line within seven months.
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